Autoware Setup and Demo using Docker


Autoware, which is an open source software for autonomous driving, provides Docker images and you can easily install Autoware by using one of these Docker images.
In this article, we will show you how to set up Autoware and run demonstration using Docker.


Autoware is an open-source software for self-driving vehicles.
For details, please visit the following site.

Autoware Setup using Docker


  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Docker
  • NVIDIA Docker (We have not tested NVIDIA Docker2 yet.)

Download Docker Image

With the following command, download the Autoware 1.7.0 Kinetic version from Docker Hub.

$ docker pull autoware/autoware:1.7.0-kinetic

Preparation of Demo Data

Use the following command to make a directory to store the demo data, download and unpack the demo data.

$ mkdir ~/.autoware
$ cd ~/.autoware
$ wget
$ wget
$ tar xf sample_moriyama_data.tar.gz
$ tar xf sample_moriyama_150324.tar.gz
$ rm sample_moriyama_data.tar.gz
$ rm sample_moriyama_150324.tar.gz

Preparing Script for Docker Container

With the following command, make a directory to store the shell script for starting the Docker container,

$ mkdir -p ~/Autoware/docker/generic

in the created directory, save the following contents as the file name



nvidia-docker run \
    -it --rm \
    --volume=$XSOCK:$XSOCK:rw \
    --volume=$XAUTH:$XAUTH:rw \
    --volume=$HOST_DIR:$SHARED_DIR:rw \
    --env="XAUTHORITY=${XAUTH}" \
    --env="DISPLAY=${DISPLAY}" \
    -u autoware \
    --privileged -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb \
    --net=host \

You can also edit obtained by git clone.

Autoware Demo using Docker

Run Docker Container

Start the Docker container with the following command.

$ cd ~/Autoware/docker/generic
$ sh

Launch Runtime Manager

After the Docker container starts up, launch Runtime Manager with the following command.

$ cd Autoware/ros
$ ./run

The following operations are almost the same as GitHub’s Autoware_QuickStart_v1.1.pdf (

Play ROSBAG for a few seconds and Pause

In [Simulation] tab of Runtime Manager, specify following .bag file and press [Play] button, press [Pause] button after a few seconds.

Launching and Setting up RViz

Pressing [RViz] button in Runtime Manager to launch RViz.
Select [File]-[Open Config] in RViz.
Upon [Choose a file to open] dialog, select the following file, then press [Open].

Loading PointCloud and Vector map

In [Quick Start] tab of Runtime Manager, specify following .lanch file in the text field next to [Map] button and press the [Map] button.
In [Simulation] tab, press [Pause] button and press [Pause] button after a few seconds.

Start Localization

In [QuickStart] tab, specify following .launch file in the text field next to [Localization] button, then press the [Localization] button.
In [Simulation] tab, press [Pause] button to restart ROSBAG replay.

Display in RViz

In [Current View]-[Target Frame] of RViz’s [View] window, specify “base_link” and set [Type] to “TopDownOrtho” then press [Zero] button.

Other launch files

Other .launch files are in the “/home/autoware/Autoware/docs/quick_start/” directory.
[Sensing] “my_sensing.launch”
[Detection] “my_detection.launch”
[Mission Planning] “my_mission_planning.launch”
[Motion Planning] “my_motion_planning.launch”


We showed you how to set up Autoware and run demonstration using Docker.