Running Auto-Vectorized Program on RISC-V Vector RTL Simulator


In order to utilize the RISC-V “V” vector extension (RVV), we have built programs using LLVM/Clang automatic vectorization and ran them on RTL simulator of Vicuna, which complies with the RVV specification v1.0.

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Vicuna – a RISC-V Zve32x Vector Coprocessor

Vicuna is an open source 32-bit integer vector coprocessor written in SystemVerilog that implements version 1.0 of the RVV specification.

More precisely, Vicuna complies with the Zve32x extension (excluding divide instructions at the time of writing), a variant of the V extension aimed at embedded processors. The extension supports vector element widths of 8, 16, and 32 bits and does not require 64-bit elements or floating point support.

Since Vicuna is a coprocessor, it requires a main processor. At the time of writing, OpenHW Group’s CV32E40X or a modified version of lowRISC’s Ibex is available as the main processor.

The figure below quoted from the Vicuna repository gives an overview of Vicuna.


RISC-V Vector RTL Simulator

This time, we have created RTL simulators using the default Verilator.

According to in Vicuna’s test directory, you can create an RTL simulator using Vivado’s xsim or Questasim.

Automatic Vectorization for RVV in LLVM/Clang

In order to utilize automatic vectorization for RVV, add two or more -O and -mllvm --riscv-v-vector-bits-min= options to Clang.

To generate assembly code for Vicuna of VLEN=128 from matmul_vec.c, run the following command.

clang --target=riscv32 -march=rv32imzve32x -mabi=ilp32 \
  -O2 -mllvm --riscv-v-vector-bits-min=128 \
  -S matmul_vec.c

Below is the code of matmul_vec.c.

#include <stdint.h>

void matmul_vec(int n, int16_t* a, int16_t* b, int32_t* c) {
  int i, j, k;
  for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
      for (k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
        c[i * n + j] += (int32_t)a[i * n + k] * (int32_t)b[k * n + j];

The following code is an excerpt of the generated matmul_vec.s. Also, the featured image is an excerpt from the llvm-objdump of the built program.

        addi    s4, s3, -8
        vsetvli zero, zero, e16, mf2, ta, mu
        vle16.v v11, (s4)
        vle16.v v12, (s3)
        add     s4, s1, t2
        vlse16.v        v13, (s1), t0
        vlse16.v        v14, (s4), t0
        vwmacc.vv       v9, v13, v11
        vwmacc.vv       v10, v14, v12
        addi    s3, s3, 16
        addi    s2, s2, -8
        add     s1, s1, t1
        bnez    s2, .LBB0_8
        vsetvli zero, zero, e32, m1, ta, mu
        vadd.vv v9, v10, v9
        vmv.s.x v10, zero
        vredsum.vs      v9, v9, v10
        vmv.x.s s1, v9
        mv      s4, a6
        beq     a6, a0, .LBB0_4

Running Auto-Vectorized Program on Simulator

The following shows the console output when running make run.

$ make run
../Vvproc_top_128_32 test_matmul.txt 32 262144 1 1 /dev/null
A, B:
  1   2   3   4
  5   6   7   8
  9  10  11  12
 13  14  15  16

  90  100  110  120
 202  228  254  280
 314  356  398  440
 426  484  542  600

  90  100  110  120
 202  228  254  280
 314  356  398  440
 426  484  542  600


matmul_normal: 1049 cycles
matmul_vec:    1251 cycles


In order to utilize the RVV, we have built programs using LLVM/Clang automatic vectorization and ran them on RTL simulator of Vicuna, which is compliant with the Zve32x extension of the RVV specification v1.0.