Get and run the modified version of NVIDIA DIGITS Docker (modified DIGITS Docker).
Get Modified DIGITS Docker Image
$ docker pull ai4sig/digits:6.0
If you want to build the Docker image yourself instead of downloading it from the Docker registry, follow these instructions.
$ git clone $ cd digits-docker/6.0 $ docker build -t ai4sig/digits:6.0 .
Run Modified DIGITS Docker Container
$ nvidia-docker run --name digits6m -d -p 5000:5000 -p 6006:6006 ai4sig/digits:6.0
If you want to store jobs and data in host directories, create the directories:
$ mkdir ~/digits-jobs $ mkdir -p ~/data/digits
and follow these instructions.
$ nvidia-docker run --name digits6m -d -p 5000:5000 -p 6006:6006 \ -v $HOME/digits-jobs:/jobs -v $HOME/data:/data \ ai4sig/digits:6.0